Latest Manga Comic Lock On:Chapter 17 -Tendang Sejauh Mungkin utsuru Sanada, he's still 17 years old. he can guess the size of the chest, waist and hips from all the girls. aka he remember all the things he saw, and he can also hold all the direct attacks (there are loads of guys who want to have this skill). why? because he has an advantage in his right eye which is called "shutter EYE" (shutter with the same purpose with the shutter in the camera). Kurihara he met Niko, the protagonist a woman who really hate the guy and he is a martial arts expert. and of course she is beautiful. Utsuru Sanada trying to prove to Niko that he was not like that Niko think, so that he can take a picture of her. He began by investigating Niko's friend boyfriend, who apparently is a man of such rogue rumor.